Fang Xinghai retires from the CSRC

Replacing Fang with an enforcer reflects the government’s current priorities. While China remains committed to attracting foreign capital and financial firms to its capital markets, its primary focus has shifted toward enhancing corporate governance and restoring public trust…
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PBoC cuts MLF rate

The MLF is officially transitioning from a policy rate to a market rate. In June, the PBoC announced that it would regulate the economy using one short-term rate only…
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China’s central bank cuts key policy rate

The PBoC wants to influence the entire yield curve by adjusting a single short-term policy rate, much as the Fed does. Until recently, the PBoC used the MLF rate to guide long-term rates and nominally linked it to the LPRs…
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Vice President of Taiping Life Insurance under investigation for corruption

The financial sector has faced increased scrutiny from the CCDI in recent years, with numerous executives from financial firms being investigated and charged for corruption. The Party seeks to tighten control over the sector to better allocate resources to national priorities and prevent corrupt or disloyal executives from misusing state assets…
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China Construction Bank rumored to cut staff salary

China’s investment banks and security firms have already gone through a round of salary cuts amid diminishing IPO deals and underperforming secondary markets. Now, commercial banks are also joining in, driven by weak credit demand and declining lending rates, which have significantly squeezed their profits…
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