13 Mar 2020

Financial support for the economy

The PBoC is treading a fine line between adding enough liquidity into the financial system to ensure demand is met and money-market interest rates do not spike, and preventing another …

12 Mar 2020

SAFE adjusts macroprudential assessment parameter to allow more offshore borrowing

Since the World Health Organization officially labelled the COVID-19 outbreak a global pandemic on March 12, emerging market currencies have fallen sharply, including …

12 Mar 2020

FSDC sets up local financial coordination mechanism

One of the top priorities of President Xi Jinping since 2017 has been to rein in financial risks across the economy and the FSDC was set up with the specific responsibility for …

11 Mar 2020

Provincial measures: Hubei gradually lifts restrictions

Efforts by officials to restart the economy in Hubei province, and Wuhan in particular, suggest authorities are confident that they have succeeded in controlling the outbreak. However, we expect …

10 Mar 2020

State-owned entities to inject RMB 12.1 billion into Bank of Jinzhou

As we’ve noted previously, there are likely to be more bank failures and rescues in 2020 as regulators try to shore up smaller troubled lenders with weak balance sheets. After the state-led takeover of Baoshang Bank in May 2019 caused …

09 Mar 2020

MoF clarifies its role in the provision of capital to state-owned financial institutions

Chinese leaders are eager to consolidate the power to invest in FIs and exercise shareholder rights on behalf of the state. The rationale behind the move is …

06 Mar 2020

ICBC appoints central bank official as new vice president

The promotion of Wang is the latest change in the leadership team at ICBC. Since 2018, five of the bank’s vice presidents have either resigned or been promoted to other jobs. Of these, two were appointed vice governors of …

05 Mar 2020

China Insurance Protection Fund carries out investment management assessment

With the CBIRC’s recent move to allow insurers greater freedom to invest in derivatives, ensuring strong investment and risk management capabilities will be of paramount importance. This survey is ..

05 Mar 2020

PBoC tightens supervision of structured deposits

The PBoC is concerned that the minimum guaranteed interest rates on structured deposits are too high and that they will ultimately drive up borrowing costs for banks, hurt their margins, and …

05 Mar 2020

Personnel reshuffle at HKMAO

Xia’s appointment is further proof that Beijing is dissatisfied with “Hong Kong specialists,” such as Zhang Xiaoming, who have worked on Hong Kong affairs for most of their careers. For obvious reasons, the top leadership is not …

04 Mar 2020

PSBC approved to issue RMB 80 billion in perpetual bonds

Banks across China continue to be capital constrained. Following the central bank’s focus on promoting the …

04 Mar 2020

Financial regulators issue plan to strengthen supervision of financial infrastructure

The key objectives of the work plan are unification and standardization of regulations. Policymakers are looking to …

04 Mar 2020

PBoC conducts assessment of financial crisis contagion

Financial de-risking has been a major policy objective of China’s financial regulators over the past several years, and the potential for financial contagion between institutions is of particular concern. The recent emergence of distress among …

03 Mar 2020

CBIRC drafts rules for insurers to invest in derivatives

From the CBIRC’s perspective, the cautious opening of China’s CGB futures market must be tempered by a relatively high regulatory bar for participation. The draft rules governing …

02 Mar 2020

ICBC, CMB, and Ping An Bank join mutual fund advisory business pilot program

The pilot program serves to shift the sales model for fund advisory services in China toward a fee-based system that places greater emphasis on the client’s best interests. This will bring China more into line with …

28 Feb 2020

JPMorgan starts adding Chinese government bonds to indexes

Foreign investors have been eager to get more exposure to China’s bond market, which became the world’s second largest in June 2019, and Chinese authorities have been …

22 Feb 2020

CBIRC announces end of Anbang takeover

Anbang was a large and potentially dangerous liability for the CBIRC, and its unwinding was a major test for Chinese regulators. Its successful completion will …

21 Feb 2020

PBoC assesses blockchain technology

China’s burgeoning blockchain technology will be deployed primarily as a tool to make certain parts of the economy more efficient and more transparent to regulators, rather than …

21 Feb 2020

CBIRC approves CGB futures trading by commercial banks and insurance companies

China reopened its government bond futures market in 2013 after an 18-year suspension imposed in the wake of a scandal that brought down one of the country’s biggest brokerages. Wary of further scandals, and in an effort to control risks …

14 Feb 2020

Financial regulators release guidelines for financial opening and integration in the Yangtze River Delta region

Regulators want Shanghai to be a primary destination for foreign financial investment. They hope to achieve this by accelerating financial opening policies and …

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